Midland Western Massage Techniques

Midland Western Massage Techniques

Western massage techniques focus primarily on the body to promote relaxation, improve blood circulation and relieve muscle tension. Grace Dana Massage Therapist techniques include a variety of applications provided by trained and certified massage therapists who carefully assess your condition and recommend the most suitable treatment.

Located in Midland serving Midland and surrounding areas.

CALL US AT (432) 425-3793

Deep Tissue Massage

A technique that provides relief for chronic aches and muscle tension that may include the neck and shoulders, upper and lower back and leg muscles. Deep tissue massage releases chronic muscle tension using deep pressure and slow strokes that go into the fascial layers of muscle tissue at the source of an injury.

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Myofascial Release

The practitioner applies moderate pressure to release tension and improve mobility due to injury in the muscles and surrounding tissue. Kneading style strokes stretch and loosen the fibrous bands within the nerves and joints that extends to provide relief to muscles and connective tissues.

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Lymph Drainage Therapy
Myofascial release

Positional release

Carried out by a trained and certified Grace Dana Massage Therapist massage therapist, positional release moves both the muscle and joint simultaneously to achieve a full release of tension and restore pain-free movement. Positional release is an effective technique that restores joint mobility, relieves fascial tension and muscle spasms while addressing a range of soft tissue dysfunctions.

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Trigger Point Therapy

A massage technique that alleviates pain through isolated pressure and release of specific trigger points on the body. Treatments provide relaxation and significant relief from chronic pain.

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Pre-Natal Massage

Pre-natal massage promotes relaxation and can help to relieve strained neck and back muscles particularly during the second and third trimester when the extra strain on your back is most pronounced. Grace Dana Massage Therapist pre-natal massages are given by specially trained therapists who ensure your comfort and safety.

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Pre-Natal Massage

Swedish massage

One of the most popular techniques for physical relaxation and stress relief, our Swedish massage practitioners soothe aching muscles with a therapeutic touch that offers deep relaxation and loosens the top layers of muscle tissue.

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With its roots in acupuncture, reflexology is the application of pressure on precise points of the hands and feet to stimulate healing energy in corresponding parts in the body. Not to be confused with a simple foot massage, reflexology promotes relaxation, improves blood circulation, reduces pain and promotes overall well-being.

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